Cookie Captains

We are so excited y’all have decided to be a part of CFSU’s Cookie Captain Program this year and we can’t wait to get started! The Cookie Captain Program is open to Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassador scouts and we are hoping this will be a great opportunity to make new friends in different troops.

We will have a number of different activities for y’all to take part in during cookie season. So here they are in mostly chronological order:

  • COMPLETED – October 12: Online Cookie Captain Training by council
  • COMPLETED – Due November 1: In-Person Cookie Captain Training through the Service Unit (See sign-up form)
  • COMPLETED – November 20: Second Cookie Captain training (4:00pm-5:00pm, 1509 Deepwoods Trail)
  • COMPLETED – December 11: Cookie Rally Prep Day 1 (3:00pm-5:00pm, 1509 Deepwoods Trail)
  • Training Daisy troops at their cookie meetings
  • January 8: Cookie Rally Prep Day 2 (3:00pm-5:00pm, 1509 Deepwoods Trail)
  • January 11: Platinum booth eligible party and training (6:00pm or 6:30pm)
  • January 14: Cookie Rally (8:00am-12:30pm, Rock Pointe Church) – Sign up for available shifts
    • 8:00am-9:30am: Setup
    • 9:30am-12:00pm: Cookie Rally
    • 12:00pm-12:30pm: Clean up/Lunch
  • January 16: Cookie Mega Drop
  • 1 or 2 booths a week selling with Daisies during weeks 2 thru 6 (selected by the captain based on a list of pre-selected golden & regular booths still available at “add drops”)
  • Helping out with weekly cookie distribution (more info to come)

Click here to register to participate in the Cookie Captain program.

Click here to be taken to the cookie booth website

  • On the cookie booth website, Cookie Captains are able to create an account.
  • Captains can reserve up to 3 regular booths each week during weeks 2-6 to work with Daisies.
  • Captains will not be able to reserve Golden Ticket booths at this time, as Golden Ticket booths have been pre-selected for weeks 2-3. To sign-up to work Golden Ticket booths, use this form to select 1 slot.
  • Golden Ticket booths for weeks 4-6 will be available for sign-up the Tuesday before the week of the booth.


If you have questions about the Cookie Captain Program, contact the Service Unit Cookie Captain Coordinator.